Workshop Instructions to the doppelgangerValeria Graziano & Maddalena Fragnito (Pirate Care)Installation"Fitting In" satelite in R17 Experimental ZoneiCollective e.V.ExhibitionA Proposal for an Autonomous Peer-to-Peer Clinic for Those Who Give CareThe HologramExhibitionAntropische WildnisRosmarie WeinlichExhibitionAXE PULSECoven BerlinDialoguesBehutsame Berührung - Talk with Julia Bonn, Katrin Dinges, Inga ZimprichFeministische GesundheitsrecherchegruppeExhibitionBreathe Out (2022)Ileana PascalauDialoguesCare-Beziehungen: alles eine Frage der "Balance"? A Talk about The Right DistanceJanosch Krotz & Olivia Zczypek // Johanna Fröhlich Zapata // Mareike WenzelWorkshopCaring Empowerment. Practicing how we want to relateFeministische GesundheitsrecherchegruppeExhibitionCure Department 1+2Dirk SorgePerformanceDE/ RE-TOUCHEDModjgan Hashemian & Kaveh GhaemiPerformanceDJ Set Rolling THF Radio w/ SANAZRolling THF Radio w/ SANAZWorkshopExchange workshop: Cooking beyond the plateÜber den TellerrandPerformanceHighheels PerformancesJustyna KoekeStorytellingKlong, klong, klong!Kathleen RappoltSessionMinimum Viable Hologram Sessions to experience a protocol for peer-to-peer careThe HologramOpeningJustyna Koeke // Rolling THF Radio w/ SANAZWorkshopQueer Feminist Care Through Memes: A Workshop on Visual Culture for High-School Coven BerlinWorkshopRadical Empathy LabBerit FischerWorkshopRadical Self-Care NowSvenja GräfenPerformanceSchlafwandeln: Pause – Ende – ResetMareike WenzelExhibitionSonette der WutRebecca KorangWorkshopThe Hologram: Anti-Capitalist Peer-to-Peer Health WorkshopThe HologramPerformanceUmsorgniserregendKollektiv(e) Selbstausbeutung (HKS Ottersberg) & Lisa GlauerExhibitionUmsorgniserregendKollektiv(e) Selbstausbeutung (HKS Ottersberg) & Lisa GlauerPerformanceVariations on that or any personRebekka E. Böhme // Valeria SchwarzHypnotic TourVisions for Caring Societies Arturo Martínez Steele // Valeria SchwarzWorkshopWarum hast du nicht gefragt? – Care-Arbeit und Männlichkeiten Janosch Krotz & Olivia ZczypekPerformanceWho (s)cares? - On care and nursing work from a perspective with disabilitiesSteven SolbrigWorkshopWie stärke ich mein “Nein” in Sachen Care-Arbeit?Johanna Fröhlich ZapataDialoguesZine Soft LaunchValeria Graziano & Maddalena Fragnito (Pirate Care)