The Hologram: Anti-Capitalist Peer-to-Peer Health Workshop

The Hologram

Saturday 03.09.2022
13:00 - 15:30

From the age of 13 years
Language: English
Prior knowledge necessary ×

Translation into German ×
Barrier-free WC
Childcare ×
Wheelchair accessible participation possible
Translation into sign language ×


The number of participants is limited.

The event will take place under the corona regulations in place at the time.

This workshop will focus on how to build a long term network of support, solidarity and collective belonging in a moment of great instability. We will show you a specific peer-to-peer health protocol that anyone can use. “We” are Florence Freitag, Magdalena Jadwiga Härtelova, and Cassie Thornton.

The workshop will be open to 12 people to learn about the history and reasoning behind The Hologram practice, as well as an opportunity to experiment with it together. The practice itself values and puts together the processes of personal introspection, social cooperation, and strategic anti-capitalist organization. Each workshop includes a short talk, some personal work, and some small group work. Everyone who joins us will be supported, challenged, and invited to join the many people who use this practice to create stability and health outside of racist capitalist systems.