
From the age of 12 years
Language: German
Prior knowledge necessary ×

Subtitles ×
Translation into English ×
Barrier-free WC
Childcare ×
Space for wheelchairs
Translation into sign language ×

Rebecca Korang, Sonette der Wut
Rebecca Korang: Sonette der Wut (2022), Foto © Victoria Tomaschko
Rebecca Korang: Sonette der Wut (2022), Foto © Victoria Tomaschko
Rebecca Korang: Sonette der Wut (2022), Foto © Victoria Tomaschko
Rebecca Korang: Sonette der Wut (2022), Foto © Victoria Tomaschko
Rebecca Korang: Sonette der Wut (2022), Foto © Victoria Tomaschko

Sonette der Wut (Sonnets of Rage) is a video work that explores anger as a form of empowerment. A declaration of destructive power. System warning. It can pull the rug out from under your feet. And yet it is your most important companion. “Are you scared of the angry Black woman?” Is the question addressed to you or to me? Loud is the cry that often goes unheard. Loud is the echoing fall of old ruins of thought. In the midst of it all I stand and laugh with rage. Paradoxical? Perhaps, but new palaces of thought are emerging.