"Fitting In" satelite in R17 Experimental Zone

iCollective e.V.

Tuesday 06.09.2022

Showcase installation
Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 17
10969 Berlin

No language
Prior knowledge necessary ×
Barrier-free WC ×
Childcare ×
Space for wheelchair 

Satelitbeitrag: Schaufensterinstallation in r17 Experimental Space (Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 17), iCollective e.V.
Satelitbeitrag: Schaufensterinstallation in r17 Experimental Space (Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 17), iCollective e.V., photo © Christian Vagt (2022)
Satelitbeitrag: Schaufensterinstallation in r17 Experimental Space (Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 17), iCollective e.V., photo © Christian Vagt (2022)
Satelitbeitrag: Schaufensterinstallation in r17 Experimental Space (Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 17), iCollective e.V., photo © Christian Vagt (2022)
Satelitbeitrag: Schaufensterinstallation in r17 Experimental Space (Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 17), iCollective e.V.

The installation at R17 Experimental Zone acts as a satellite of the Who Cares? Feminist Art Festival, expanding the festivals influence beyond the exhibition space at feldfünf.

“Fitting” in represents the efforts of trying to fit in, adapt and belong to a rigid structure. How much tension can a network withstand? How much violence is caused through the mandate to fit in?

Displayed from now until 12.09.2022
Realization: Francesca Caleca and Valeria Schwarz