Anaïs Senli
Anaïs Senli (Barcelona, 1980) is an artist and an independent curator. She studied at the University of Fine Arts in Barcelona and graduated from the Universität der Künste in Berlin. In 2006 she received the Post-Graduate Diploma “Meisterschülerin” with Professor Bernd Koberling. Senli studied philosophy at the Universidad Nacional a Distancia Española UNED. In 2016 she received a Master’s degree in “Art in Context” at the UdK with professor Claudia Hummel.
Senli has participated in numerous exhibitions in Spain and Germany, in spaces like Galerie im Turm (DE), Hangar (ES), Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien (DE), Kunsthaus Erfurt (DE), Haus am Lützowplatz/Studiogalerie (DE), Gallery Wedding (DE), GlogauAir (DE). In Barcelona, she is represented by Sala Parés since 2005. Senli was awarded the first prize at XLVI Premio a la pintura joven (young painters competition) at Galerie Sala Parés, Barcelona; the Dorothea Konwiartz Stiftung Grant, Berlin; the Funding for the Presentation of Contemporary Art by the Berlin Senate and the Research Grant by the Berlin Senate. She has also participated in Berlin ́s Gallery Weekend (DE), the International Contemporary Art Fair SWAB (ES) and the Fair Arts Libris (ES). Senli’s work is in the Fundació Banc de Sabadell collection. With a background in painting, she has come to expand in recent years to video art and installation, while at the same time engaging in curatorial projects. The themes she explores throughout the various branches of her practice are rooted in feminist theory, ecological thought, and science philosophy.